Negishi Ryu Shurikenjutsu
Japan Headquarters
Welcome to the official website for the Arakido World Headquarters, Japan. Home of the Edo branch of Yagyū Shingan-ryū & the Ohtsubo-line of Yagyū Shinkage Ryū Heihō, founded by Kamiizumi Nobutsuna in c.1568. The school is under the direction of Kajitsuka Yasushi, 23rd Generation Shihan.
The Tradition
Yagyū Shinkage Ryū (柳生新陰流) is one of the oldest schools of Japanese swordsmanship extant today. About 500 years ago, during Japan's Warring States Period, master swordsman, Kamiizumi Ise-no-kami Fujiwara Hidetsuna (later Nobutsuna) from Jōshu province (Gunma Prefecture) created Shinkage Ryū, based on his knowledge of Kage Ryū, which he had studied from Aisu Ikosai. The name Shinkage Ryū literally translates as School of the New Shadow. In 1565, Kamiizumi bequeathed his school to Yagyū Munetoshi, who then added the Yagyū family name.
Munetoshi and his fifth son, Munenori, demonstrated Shinkage Ryū before Lord Tokugawa Ieyasu, which led to the official appointment as sword instructor to the Tokugawa Shogunate. His son Munenori, went on to create the Edo Yagyū Shinkage Ryū, but this method later died out during the reign of Yoshikata, the great-grandson of Munenori. It is important to note that the late Muto Masao, through arduous research, and in collaboration with Ohtsubo Shiho, was able to reconstuct the Edo teachings. Today, they are studied alongside the Owari-line, which has remained fully intact. The term Owari-line Yagyū Shinkage Ryū stems from Yagyū Hyōgonosuke Toshitoshi, who succeeded Sekishūsai as the third headmaster of Yagyū Shinkage Ryū swordsmanship. Our lineage stems from Ohtsubo Shiho (Menkyo Kaiden), a disciple of both the 19th generation headmaster, Yagyū Sangorō Taira Toshichika, and 20th generation headmaster, Yagyū Kinji Taira Toshinaga.
As the official school of swordsmanship adopted by the Tokugawa Shogunate (Supreme Military Ruler), Yagyu Shinkage Ryu's approach to combat can be described as thoughtful, sophisticated and graceful.
Japan Kobudo Association
(Nippon Budokan Foundation)
日本古武道協会 公益財団法人日本武道館
Japan Kobudo Promotion Society
(Nihon Kobudo Shinkokai)
Our Lineage
19. Yagyū Sangorō Taira Toshichika
20. Yagyū Kinji Taira Toshinaga
1. Ohtsubo Shiho
2. Muto Masao
3. Kajitsuka Yasushi
Meet the Headmaster
Kajitsuka Yasushi, 3rd Generation Headmaster of the Otsubo lineage. 23rd Generation Shihan.
Born in Yokosuka city, Kanagawa prefecture in 1952. Moved to Zushi city and enrolled as a student of the 10th Generation Headmaster of Yagyu Shingan Ryu Taijutsu, Muto Masao in 1965. Began training in the Ohtsubo-line of Yagyu Shinkage Ryu Heiho in 1979 under Ohtsubo Shiho and Muto Masao. Relocated from Zushi city to Kuroiso city, Tochigi prefecture in 1992. Succeeded Muto Masao as headmaster of both Yagyu Shingan Ryu & Yagyu Shinkage Ryu in 2001. Member Soke of the Japan Kobudo Association & Japan Kobudo Promotion Society. Former Secretary General of the Nihon Kobudo Shinkokai.
Grading & Licensure
The Arakido curriculum requires the practice of both Yagyu Shingan Ryu and Yagyu Shinkage Ryu in unison. For those eligible, grading and licensure are awarded directly by the Soke, Kajitsuka Yasushi.
⨳Hombu Dojo : Kuroiso city, Tochigi.
⨳Hayama Dojo : Hayama city, Kanagawa.
⨳Yamato Dojo : Yamato city, Kanagawa.
⨳Sakae Dojo : Yokohama city, Kanagawa.
⨳Kamakura Dojo : Kamakura city, Kanagawa.
⨳Hiroshima Dojo : Hiroshima city, Hiroshima.
⨳Bursa Keikokai, Turkey.
⨳Krivoy Rog Keikokai, Ukraine.
⨳Dnipro Keikokai, Ukraine.
⨳Wisconsin Keikokai, United States.
⨳Melbourne Keikokai, Australia.
International Keikokai are study groups under the guidance and instruction of the Honbu Dojo in Japan.
International Students
⨳Toronto Keikokai, Canada.
Contact Japan Headquarters
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