Negishi Ryu Shurikenjutsu
Japan Headquarters
Welcome to the official website for the Araki-do World Headquarters, Japan. Home of the Edo branch of Yagyu Shingan Ryu. Founded by the legendary Araki Mataemon in the 1600's, the school is currently under the direction of Kajitsuka Yasushi, 11th Generation Lineal Headmaster.
The Tradition
Yagyu Shingan Ryu originated in Japan's Tohoku region in the early Edo period (c. 1600). It is a comprehensive koryu martial art tradition, with an extensive curriculum based in armored combat. At it's inception, the tradition was taught mostly to foot soldiers on battlefield front lines. Yagyu Shingan Ryu is known for its unique methods of striking. Throughout the Edo period, the style further evolved into a sophisticated system of self-defence, focusing on direct engangement, simplicity, efficiency and overall economy of motion. The name Shingan Ryu, literally translates as School of the Heart's Eye. Alternative readings could be Mind's Eye or Spirit's Eye, which in Japanese philoshophy are all considered one and the same. Permission to affix the Yagyu family name was given to the founder, Araki Mataemon by his teacher, Yagyu Jubei. Yagyu Shingan Ryu could be described as both an internal martial art (mind, breath, spirit, energy) and an external martial art (strength, agility, posture, mechanics). Training begins with jujutsu (hand-to-hand combat) and bojutsu (staff fighting). From there, various forms of sword fighting are introduced, such as odachi-jutsu (great sword), kodachi-jutsu (short sword), ken-jutsu (swordsmanship), iai-jutsu (quick draw sword techniques) and naginata-jutsu (glaive fighting).
The Yagyu Shingan Ryu Taijutsu lineage is also referred to as Edo-ha Yagyu Shingan Ryu, as it was carried to the capital of Edo by Koyama Samon and disseminated there. During the Meiji period, the tradition moved it's base to Kamakura city, on the outskirts of greater Tokyo. Two of the biggest names in Japanese martial arts, Kano Jigoro (founder of Judo) and Morihei Ueshiba (founder of Aikido), were students of our school, (Edo-ha) Yagyu Shingan Ryu Taijutsu.

Japan Kobudo Association
(Nippon Budokan Foundation)
日本古武道協会 公益財団法人日本武道館

Japan Kobudo Promotion Society
(Nihon Kobudo Shinkokai)

Our Lineage
1. Araki Mataemon 荒木又右衛門吉村
2. Koyama Samon 小山左門
3. Oriemon Matsuo 松尾織右衛門
4. Maehara Gentazaemon 前原源太左衛門
5. Iwamoto Chōuemon 岩本長左衛門
6. Gotō Yagyusai 後藤柳生斎
7. Ōshima Masateru 大嶋正照
8. Hoshino Tenchi 星野天知
9. Yamamoto Wasaburō 山本和三郎
10. Masao Mutoh 武藤正雄
11. Yasushi Kajizuka 梶塚靖司

Hoshino Tenchi

Sasame Dojo, Kamakura

Shingan (心眼), the Mind's Eye.
In the English language, ‘Heart’ is the figurative center of ones emotions and passions, whereas ‘Mind’, relates to rational thought and logic. In contrast, the Japanese definition is more ambiguous. While the word Shin「心」commonly translates as heart, it can also connote the mind, spirit or soul. In simple terms, Buddhist scriptures describe Shingan「心眼」as the “Wisdom of Contemplation”「観門ノ智」. It is the sharpened mind (wisdom) that can see through the true nature of things. In the Heiho Kadensho, Yagyu Munenori writes, “Seeing with the eyes is called seeing, but seeing with the mind「心」is called contemplation.” Yagyu Jubei states in Tsuki-no-sho, “Contemplation「観」is the mind that listens, the mind that sees with the eyes closed, and the mind that sees within.” Essentially, without becoming too philosophical, the term refers to attunement with the ‘Higher Self’ and one’s environment. It is an ability to ‘sense’ beyond the common 5 senses. The inner-voice of intuition, which guides, when given the opportunity. On the flipside, Shingan is also defined in terms of tangible, physical attributes. The character for Gan「眼」, also readable as Me, refers to the physical eyeball itself. Looking into a person’s eyes to assess their state of mind, is a familiar concept to most people. You may have heard age-old expressions, such as “The eye is the lamp of the body” (Christian Bible) or “The eyes are the windows to the soul” (da Vinci). Looking into a person’s eyes reveals all. Their fears, their thoughts, their intentions. Even a person’s physical condition can be ascertained via the eyes. As practitioners of the Shingan School, projection of inner strength via our eyes, is perhaps our greatest weapon of all.
Meet the Soke
Kajitsuka Yasushi, 11th Generation Headmaster
Born in Yokosuka city, Kanagawa prefecture in 1952. Moved to Zushi city and enrolled as a student of the 10th Generation Headmaster, Muto Masao in 1965. Began training in the Otsubo-line of Yagyu Shinkage Ryu Heiho in 1979. Relocated from Zushi city to Kuroiso city, Tochigi prefecture in 1992. Succeeded Muto Masao as headmaster in 2001, becoming the 11th Generation Head of Yagyu Shingan Ryu Taijutsu and Head of Otsubo-line Yagyu Shinkage Ryu Heiho. Member Soke of the Japan Kobudo Association & Japan Kobudo Promotion Society. Former Secretary General of the Nihon Kobudo Shinkokai.

Grading & Licensure
The Araki-do curriculum requires the practice of both Yagyu Shingan Ryu and Yagyu Shinkage Ryu in unison. For those eligible, grading and licensure are awarded directly by the Soke, Kajitsuka Yasushi.

⨳Hombu Dojo : Kuroiso city, Tochigi.
⨳Hayama Dojo : Hayama city, Kanagawa.
⨳Yamato Dojo : Yamato city, Kanagawa.
⨳Sakae Dojo : Yokohama city, Kanagawa.
⨳Kamakura Dojo : Kamakura city, Kanagawa.
⨳Hiroshima Dojo : Hiroshima city, Hiroshima.
⨳Bursa Keikokai, Turkey.
⨳Krivoy Rog Keikokai, Ukraine.
⨳Dnipro Keikokai, Ukraine.
⨳Wisconsin Keikokai, United States.
⨳Melbourne Keikokai, Australia.
⨳Toronto Keikokai, Canada.

Home of Muto Masao

International Students
International Keikokai are study groups under the guidance and instruction of the Honbu Dojo in Japan.
Contact Japan Headquarters

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